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What is Better Monthlies or Daily Contact Lenses?

Disposable Contact Lenses

I have worn contact lenses for nearly 10 years now. Having both worn monthly and daily lenses, I can tell you I have experienced the high and lows of both. They have transformed my life for the better by suiting my active lifestyle and providing me with greater clarity (I am very short sighted!).

Contact lenses manufacturers have developed their ranges to include higher quality lenses in greater volume. This making them accessible for a greater amount of people. In general, the more complicated your prescription is, the less likely you will be suited for daily lenses. Our optician would be able to advise you if you are not sure. Let us assume you have been told you can have either daily or monthly lenses.

In short, monthly contact lenses are a pair of lenses that last you throughout the month - if looked after carefully. They do need cleaning before and after wearing. They can also be seen as a cheaper and eco-friendlier option as you only need 2 lenses per month. If however, cost is a factor in your decision you will need solutions, and the minimum order with monthlies is 3 months’ worth.

My personal experience of monthlies was that they are certainly a cost effective per wear for daily use. However, I found cleaning them laborious and as a young adult with not thinking of the consequences, I would dunk them in the solution and not clean them properly. I have now worked for Peters Opticians for nearly 5 years and I have certainly learned the errors in my ways. If you have the time and patience to clean them they are certainly worth bearing in mind.

The other issue I used to have with monthly lenses was if I got something in my eye when I was out and about it would usually end up with me having to discard the lens if I didn't have the appropriate solution on me. The daily lens however is usually a lot handier to have a few spares in the car or handbag. The same would go if you accidentally split or damaged one. A split lens is certainly not comfortable to wear!

Daily lenses in comparison if you were going to wear every day would require 60 lenses per month as you dispose of them after each wear. The price generally reflects that. If though you are looking to just wear contact lenses for special occasions then a daily lens may work out more economical.

Further benefits for dailies as you only wear them once mean that you don't need to remember how many days you have been wearing the lenses. They are also seen as healthier as you don't pick up so many deposits formed naturally in your tears. The accumulating effect on a monthly lens can lead to eye infections, especially if they are not cleaned properly.

The monthly lens suits the organised, disciplined person who works within clean environments. The daily lens in comparison suits the person who has a busy active lifestyle and likes the convenience that daily lenses provides. I personally prefer the daily lenses as I don’t wear them every day.

Whatever you pick though they are not an alternative to spectacles so always make sure you have an up to date pair for when your eyes are not feeling so great. If you have any further questions or queries we would happily help.


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